Angel Reiki Level 1

We believe 1 member in each family should be a Healer who can help his/her family and friends.

Course Contents–You will learnheal and resolve the issues related to humans in this life time :- Health |Wealth |Money| Relationship |Career | Education |Job | Business |Emotion & Inner peace | Fear | Phobias | Trauma | Anxiety |Pain |Anger |Depression |Resolve Conflicts |Divorce |Financial |Spirituality |Born |Unborn |Departed Souls etc.

How to use Angelic Reiki Energies to remove all Blocks, Beaming, Distance Healing, Empower Goals, Group Distance Healing, Practice of Self-Healing with.


In Angel Reiki Level 1 you will learn about Healing Others, Positive Affirmations and how to resolve issues.

Angelic Reiki is a beautiful combination of working hand in hand with the Angelic Realms, Ascended Masters and Galactic Beings. With Angelic Reiki you can achieve the highest level of frequency for self-healing and to send healing to other people, places and situations. The divine energy of Angelic Reiki creates balance and it searches out anything within our consciousness – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually that is out of balance.

Angelic Reiki is neither a religion nor it is associated with any religion. Angelic Reiki offers a profound system of healing and consciousness expansion, a powerful technique for personal development, transformation and preparation for Ascension.

Angelic Reiki is a powerful healing modality that works with the highest energies of the Angelic Realm to bring about healing and balance on all level to those receiving the healing energy. With Angelic Reiki, we have the possibility for self-healing and to give healing to others in person or distance.

This Technique or combination of Angel and Reiki Healing is a complete system of energy healing which is open to all and it establishes a conscious and permanent link with the Angelic Dimension.

The Angel Reiki Diploma Course provides the knowledge and skills necessary to direct energy transferred through us from the Archangels to administer healing – clearing our energy bodies with powerful Angelic Light. You will gain in-depth Practical and Theoretical knowledge and you will also learn how to become an Angel Reiki Practitioner and help the mankind.

Unlike traditional Reiki, Angel Reiki facilitates the experience of working with the Angels as they move through us to bring peace, harmony and an experience to feel the presence of the divine self.

It will be a wonderful way to discover a new paradigm in the understanding of your journey to deeper spiritual healing and enlightenment. You will learn how to use crystals for healing and meditation techniques.

Angels are not restricted by time and space. Working together with Angels and Archangels allows us to reach deeply into all areas which require rebalancing and healing. It is a blessing to give and receive these angelic healing sessions.

1. Introduction to Angel Reiki
2. Difference between Angel Reiki and Basic Reiki
3. Basic Reiki to Regular Reiki
4. How to Check Aura
5. The 7 Chakras and Its Angels
6. Chakra Beej Mantras
7. How to check Chakra Blockages
8. Clearing the Blockages of Chakras
9. Connecting with Arch Angel Michael
10. How to Shield your Self Before you start Healing
11. Why to Shield your Self Before you Start Healing