Angel Card have six aspects of spiritual energy that angels teach us about. These realms are reflection, partnership, integration, alignment, rejuvenation, and nourishment. Reflection is becoming aware of your divine self. Partnership is growing spiritually in relationships. Integration is establishing harmony among, body, mind and spirit. Alignment is finding and performing meaningful work in line with your divine purpose. Rejuvenation is finding personal renewal in the natural cycles of life. Nourishment is choosing thoughts, foods and emotional responses that give spiritual fulfillment. An angel card reading will reflect one or several of these realms depending on the number of cards drawn.

Our Expert Readers will draw the cards for your reading. Depending on your question and circumstances, the reader will select a reading with one to six cards. Each of the cards lined up in a reading has a specific meaning by position.

Not every reader use cards like this, and some will have their own special spreads. However, the following are examples of Angel card reading spreads. One card is usually, but not always, used for the day’s guidance. Two cards are used for daily guidance as well, though the second card is drawn for additional insight. Three cards in a spread can show the influence for your mind, body and spirit. Four cards show the present challenge, the Angelic Message, the Spiritual Opportunity and the how the angels suggest this all this information can be applied in your daily life. Our Expert Readers will draw the cards for your reading. Depending on your question and circumstances, the reader will select a reading with one to six cards. Each of the cards lined up in a reading has a specific meaning by position. Not every reader use cards like this, and some will have their own special spreads. However, the following are examples of Angel card reading spreads. One card is usually, but not always, used for the day’s guidance. Two cards are used for daily guidance as well, though the second card is drawn for additional insight. Three cards in a spread can show the influence for your mind, body and spirit. Four cards show the present challenge, the Angelic Message, the Spiritual Opportunity and the how the angels suggest this all this information can be applied in your daily life. You can chose to get your reading done by choosing any of cards :-Past live Cards –Abundance Cards–Ascended Masters Cards –Angel Cards ,Christ Cards–Mother Mary Cards any one session prices are given below per person